Av. Mohamed Siad Barre, n 678, 1st floor, flat 3.
Monday-Friday: 08:00 - 17:00


The main objective of Bilcos Comércio & Serviços Lda is to understand the needs of customers, providing them with services that meet their needs. For this, we have a highly qualified and competent team, as well as the most recent methods and technologies.
We are a company providing customs clearance services and consulting, which aims to be recognized for its strength and competence, both in the national and international markets, as well as by all our customers and employees. Our desire to grow makes us challenge ourselves with enthusiasm and determination to each project we propose.



Offering services with a high standard of quality to the national market, provided by highly qualified teams, aiming to meet the real needs of our customers, adding value to their businesses, with dedication, ethics and professionalism, generating lasting and trustworthy partnerships.



To be a national reference in the segments in which it operates, aiming at profit through fair, ethical and social responsibility conduct.



Pleasure in working, pride in achievements, feeling of well-being, cultivating a good work environment, continuous learning, permanent evolution, creating personal relationships of friendship and loyalty, are sensations that contribute to a feeling of happiness at work.
It is a fundamental condition for the company's success. All our employees must perform their duties having as a basic parameter the moral principle of honesty, honesty of character and transparency in their attitudes.

One little about

+ Customers provided
% Satisfied Customers
+ Workers